Are you a new member or existing member?
If you are a new member, please fill out all relevant areas. If you are renewing your membership and your contact details haven't changed, simply skip down to the 'Membership fees' area.
New member (joining)
Existing member (renewing)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Landline and/or mobile (where applicable)
Social media
List your profile name or @name
By completing this form, I am providing you with my/our membership details/renewal information. All membership details will be held by the Forum Committee in an electronic database but will not be passed on to third parties without your written consent. Contact may be made with members by email, post, SMS or phone, unless you request otherwise.
Tick to confirm you have read this disclaimer
Membership type
Organisation £45 per year
Individual £20 per year
Joint members £30 per year
We currently offer two options:
Payment by cheque (payable to Northamptonshire Heritage Forum and sent to the Treasurer c/o 47 Woodlands Road, Irchester, Northamptonshire NN29 7BW)
Payment by bank transfer (account name: Northamptonshire Heritage Forum, account number: 81078242, sort code: 55-70-37, using your membership name as the reference)
Do you require a receipt?
Organisational invoices
if you require an invoice before payment or intend to send a purchase order, simply let us know in the box below. Similarly, if the invoice needs to be made out to a different person, department or organisation, please give the specific information here.
First forum representative
For organisational members, it is useful to have two personal contacts for correspondence. Individual and joint members do not need to fill out this section. If you are renewing your membership and these details haven't changed since last year, you can leave these fields blank.
First Name
Last Name
Position of contact (if applicable)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Second forum representative
For organisational members, it is useful to have two personal contacts for correspondence. Individual and joint members do not need to fill out this section. If you are renewing your membership and these details haven't changed since last year, you can leave these fields blank.
First Name
Last Name
Position within organisation
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Thank you for completing your membership form/renewal.
For your website entry , you will need to complete this information online. Click on the relevant link below and you will find some easy instructions along with the simple form (and image information). Click ‘Send’ when you are happy with your entry.
Places to Visit (Historic Houses, Heritage Sites or Archives, Museums or Galleries only)
Organisations (History or Heritage Societies and other Organisations)
Speakers (individual or joint members)
Existing members can also use these links to update their website pages where needed.