Andy Chapman
Now retired, Andy worked as a field archaeologist in Northamptonshire from the 1970s, specialising in prehistoric and medieval archaeology.
4 Oat Hill Drive
Northampton NN3 5AL
Northampton before the Castle: The Middle Anglo-Saxon origins of Northampton
In Search of Northampton Castle: The rise and fall of Northampton Castle
Origins of the medieval village: The excavation of the manorial sites at Raunds Furnells and West Cotton in the 1970s and 80s are of national importance of understanding origins and development of the medieval village
Fifty years of Northamptonshire Archaeology: The story of my fifty years as a professional field archaeologist
Neolithic and Bronze Age Northamptonshire: A look at the burial monuments and burials of prehistoric Northamptonshire
Iron Age Northamptonshire: Looking at the roundhouse settlements of the middle to late Iron Age, and the domestic finds that tell us about their daily life
Settlers of the Nene Valley: Illustrating the outstanding and important results from excavations at Raunds and Stanwick from Neolithic monuments to the deserted medieval villages
In Search of T-rex in the Badlands of Montana: Two summers in the USA prospecting for and excavating T-rex and Triceratops bones