Michael Brown
The Historic Gardener
Historic and modern garden consultancy. Talks and displays of historic gardening from Romans to present day. Author of ‘Gardens in the Age of Chivalry’, 2022, White Owl Books.
Michael Brown, The Historic Gardener
07500 464149
47 The Leys
Historic Gardener
These are just the titles, download the full descriptions of all talks at the bottom of the list.
Garden History, Gardens and Plants
Easter and Springtime Customs (includes flowers and some music)
To Drive the Cold Winter Away (includes some music)
A Rose by Any Other Name
Death in the Garden (also available as a book)
Gardens in the time of Jane Austen
Shakespeare’s Flowers (can be given in full costume)
A Bouquet of Weeds
The Language of Flowers
Capability Brown. Hero or Hooligan?
Heritage Lost. The Menagerie and the Lost Grotto
The Georgian Gardener
A History of Gardening in 100 objects
Eat Your Greens! The story of Vegetables in England
Flora and Pomona
In a Monastery Garden
Knots and Bowers, The Tudor Garden
Many a Sundry Flower
Gods in the Garden
The Glory of the Garden
All in a Garden Green
Early Gardening Methods
Making a Splash
Ghastly Gardening - Horticulture’s Horrible History
The Sorcerer’s Herbs
Plants among the Ruins
We Made a Medieval Garden
William Cowper and his Gardens
A Medieval Christmas
Pilgrimage - In search of Saints and Relics
The Road to Santiago
Food and Feast - Medieval Food and Banquets
Courtly Love